Saturday, March 7, 2009 - Cars

Anything about cars... this is a website u MUST NOT BE MISSED !

Take my words... Visit the website, briefly go thru' it and u will know why i said so...

It has got ALL you want to know about cars in Singapore HERE at this particular website - Ranging from Brand new cars to Commercial vehicles to PI cars... If you're not sure whats PI cars, it means Parallel Imported cars. They have cars from Audi all the way to Volvo in alphabetical order for u to look-up to ... u can either browse them by makes or by their manufacturing country - depends on ya preference. All the information shown there are very easy to find and access. They do it in a systematic way that is easy for each and every user to view, in short - "User-Friendly". As there are too many things on this single webpage of, I shall list down what are the things they have on this webpage...
  1. First they have Cars Highlights - update you about any "Lobangs" recently or latest news in the automobile industry
  2. Events and Roadshows - update you the upcoming events n HaPpEninGs in the world of automobile
  3. Whats more ? U can Sell Your Car at this webpage - Just post an Ad.
  4. Search new cars by Makes & Manufacturing Countries
  5. Search used cars with respect to your budget - Cool !
  6. Motoring Directory which leads you to all the grooming and repair services, car audio systems and etc. in Singapore...
  7. Quick search by Car Types - ranging from Luxury to SUV ... for both new and used cars
  8. COE Open Bidding column - which shows u the latest COE bids
  9. Just Ask - a section for you to post your questions and queries about cars...
  10. A Quicklaunch column (Shown below) with useful information like Price Lists, Car Reviews and tools like Road Tax calculator, etc.

Shown below here is a screenshot of how the website look like...

I like the way they present themselves to the users... white background... looks refreshing and clean... very systematic and everything is like just a click away to what you're looking for ...

Bookmark this website now. Refer it to your friends and colleagues... Help them make the right choice to their portal of a good car website like this -

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